

To filter results based on conditions, you can use the Where method. This method accepts a list of clauses as arguments. A clause is a tuple that takes the form [attribute, operator, value].

For example the following query will return all registered users.

const query = client
  .Select(['id', 'name', 'email', 'dob'])
  .Where('is_registered', '=', true);

Clauses can be passed to Where as a single clause or an array of clauses:

  • .Where('is_registered', '=', true)
  • .Where(['is_registered', '=', true])
  • .Where([['is_registered', '=', true], ...additional clauses])

If multiple clauses are provided, all clauses are joined with a logical AND. However, you may use or and and methods within the clause array to specify how clauses should be logically grouped and joined.

For example the following query will return all registered users who are either an admin or an owner.

import { or } from '@triplit/client';
const query = client
  .Select(['id', 'name', 'email', 'dob'])
      ['is_registered', '=', true],
        ['role', '=', 'admin'],
        ['role', '=', 'owner'],

You may use dot notation to filter by attributes of a record.

const query = client.query('users').Where('', '=', 'New York');

If you define relationships in your schema you may also access those via dot notation. Triplit will autocomplete up to 3 levels of depth, but arbitrary depth is supported.

const query = client
  .Where('', '=', 'Dr. Smith');

Boolean clauses

You may also pass in a boolean value as a clause. These statements are particularly useful when defining permissions.

const query = client.query('users').Where([true]); // 'true' is a no-op, will return all users
const query = client.query('users').Where([false]); // 'false' filters out all results, will return no users

Exists filters

You may also define a filter to check if related data exists. Triplit provides an exists method to help build subqueries that reference your schema.

import { Schema as S, exists } from '@triplit/client';
const schema = S.Collections({
  todos: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      text: S.String(),
      assignee_ids: S.Set(S.String()),
    relationships: {
      assignees: S.RelationMany('users', {
        where: ['id', 'in', '$assignee_ids'],
  users: {
    schema: S.Schema({
      id: S.Id(),
      name: S.String(),
      team: S.String(),
      title: S.String(),
// Todos where at least one assignee is on the engineering team and has the title of manager
const query = client.query('todos').Where(
  exists('assignees', {
    where: [
      ['team', '=', 'engineering'],
      ['title', '=', 'manager'],

You may be tempted to write the query above as: .Where('', '=', 'engineering').Where('assignees.title', '=', 'manager'). However, this will instead query for todos where at least one assignee is on the engineering team and where at least one assignee has the title of manager.


See the list of data types for more information on the operators that can be used in a where clause.

Id shorthand

If you want to query by the entity's ID, you can use the Id method as a shorthand for Where('id', '=', id). E.g.

const query = client.query('users').Id('the-user-id');