📣Triplit 1.0 is coming on March 11th!Read the announcement

    An astronaut relaxing in a lawn chair and reading a newspaper.

    Triplit in the News


    Triplit makes a second appearance at the LoFi meetup series, we add a Supabase Auth integration guide, and more.

    Triplit at Lofi/18

    Our fearless leader Matt gave a talk at the Local-First Software monthly meetup, almost a year after his first presentation to the LoFi community. He reflected on what we've built in the last 12 months, and what we're prioritizing going forward. He addressed many Triplit FAQs, including how we integrate with frameworks, authentication providers and existing databases. He also revealed some of our novel approaches for horizontally scaling Triplit with multiple sync servers.

    Thanks to Yonz for inviting Matt to speak. Check out the Local-First software community and their Discord.

    Supabase Auth integration guide

    We've added a guide to the docs on how to integrate Supabase Auth with Triplit. One of the advantages of Supabase Auth is its large selection of support Social and Phone Auth providers. You just need a Supabase project to get started, and you can be testing in local dev in no time. Moving to production just requires one small configuration in the Triplit Dashboard.

    If you have an authentication provider you'd like to see a guide for, let us know in the Discord.

    Other improvements

    • Clearing a Triplit database is now faster and more stable.
    • npx triplit roles eval now correctly processes the scope claim in the JWT.