📣Triplit 1.0 is coming on March 11th!Read the announcement

    An astronaut taking in a beautiful view of another planet

    JSON Schema comes to Triplit


    Triplit schemas can be exported to the JSON Schema format, allowing you to use them in a wider range of tools.

    Exporting Schemas to JSON Schema

    Thanks to MentalGear's very generous contribution, you can now export a Triplit schema to JSON Schema. JSON Schema is a popular standard for defining the structure of JSON data.

    You can transform a Triplit schema to JSON Schema by running the following command:

    npx triplit schema print --format json-schema

    or programmatically by using the exportCollectionAsJSONSchema and exportSchemaAsJSONSchema utility functions exported by @triplit/db.

    With a Triplit schema in JSON Schema format, you can use it in any tool that supports JSON Schema, such as Ajv or convert it from JSON Schema to the format used by Zod, Typebox, and other validation libraries. A library like Superforms can consume a JSON Schema and generate forms for you.

    Bug fixes and performance improvements

    • Fixed a bug where WorkerClient logs would throw a serialization error on startup
    • Fixed a performance regression in the @triplit/db package

    What's next?

    Database hooks have been a long-requested feature, and we're excited to announce that they're in active development. With hooks you'll be able to listen to specific database actions and run arbitrary code in response. In the coming weeks we'll share more information and solicit feedback on the design in our discord. There's also an ongoing discussion about how Triplit may support data validation, which may influence future APIs.