📣Triplit 1.0 is coming on March 11th!Read the announcement

    An astronaut taking in a beautiful view of another planet

    A new Vue on things


    We add a Vue template to `create-triplit-app`, get featured on the Syntax podcast, and squash many bugs.

    New Vue template for create-triplit-app

    Last month we released Vue bindings for Triplit and this week we're adding a new Vue template to create-triplit-app. The Vue template includes a simple todos application that demonstrates how to use the Triplit Vue bindings. You can start a project with the Vue template by running:

    npm create triplit-app@latest -- --template vue

    Triplit on the Syntax podcast

    Scott and Wes from the Syntax podcast featured Triplit and some other cool platforms in their Local-first software episode. Some excerpts from the episode:

    Triplit is a do everything for me type of platform.

    Triplit would be, if you were to look at existing database solutions, it would be your MongoDB or MySQL, but it’s also your Drizzle, your schema definition and query language. But then it’s also your Tanstack query which you use on the client side. It’s everything […]

    More accessible logs for the WorkerClient

    The magic of the WorkerClient is that it runs your Triplit code in a Web Worker, but this can make debugging difficult. Previously, they could only be viewed by inspecting the SharedWorker e.g. by going to chrome://inspect in Chrome. Now they will be piped back into the main thread and can be seen in line with all the logs in your app code. As before, the logs can be configured with the logLevel option in the client constructor.

    const client = new WorkerClient({
      logLevel: 'debug',

    Updated Chat Template

    The chat-template is the most feature-rich template in create-triplit-app. It includes a fully functional chat application using a complete Triplit schema and permissions setup. It authenticates users using Auth.js. This week we updated the README, migrated it from our deprecated rules system to the new permissions system for authorization and added better messaging around login failures.

    You can start a project with the chat template by running:

    npx create-triplit-app my-chat-app -- --template chat

    Fixed many bugs

    • Fixed an issue where @triplit/server would crash when using Node 22
    • Fixed an issue where update was not working not working inside a WorkerClient transaction
    • Fixed an issue where the return type WorkerClient.transact was not inferring correctly