📣Triplit 1.0 is coming on March 11th!Read the announcement
    An astronaut decoding alien hieroglyphs

    Typescript types that are friends not foe


    We improved Typescript types for results, added a short hand for querying on the ID of an entity, and added a useQueryOne hook to the React Client.

    Typescript type improvements

    Out of the box, Triplit now generates more human-readable types for your query results. Before when you inspected the type returned from a query you would get a type with an opaque name, with the latest update results will have simple types that are usually plain objects with simple primitive values.

    Before 🤔

    QueryFetchResult<string, ClientFetchResultEntity<...>>

    After 🤩

      id: string;
      name: string;
      age: number;

    A shorthand for querying by ID

    We've added a shorthand for querying by ID. Now you can use the id method when building queries as a more concise way to query for an entity by its ID.


    triplit.query('todos').where('id', '=', 'the-todo-id');



    useQueryOne React hook

    If you're building a React app with Triplit, you can now use the useQueryOne hook when you only want a single entity returned from your query. This hook works the same as the useQuery but it will only return a single entity instead of a multiple of entities. Going forward you should use this instead of the useEntity hook.


    import { useQueryOne } from '@triplit/react';
    import client from './triplit-client';
    function AlbumPage({ albumId }: { albumId: string }) {
      const query = client.query('albums').id(albumId).include('tracks');
      const { result: albumWithTracks } = useQueryOne(client, query);
      return <>...</>;